Soybean is a type of legume plant that is widely used as raw material for various processed foods such as soy sauce, tempeh, tofu, milk and other food preparations. Considering the variety of benefits and very high protein content, soybeans are one of the most popular food crop cultivation. Aside from being rich in benefits, soybeans also have very good business prospects with high economic value, especially the people's need for soybeans also continues to increase.
In Indonesia, soybeans are generally cultivated in rice fields, fields or house yards, considering that soybean plants can grow in various types of soil with a good drainage system. Even soybean plants can also grow on barren land, with the provision of agricultural lime, and organic fertilizer to meet nutritional needs. Basically, soybeans can flourish in areas that have 100-200 mm / month of rainfall with temperatures ranging from 25-27 ° C although these soybean plants can also grow up to a maximum temperature of 45 ° C. And the cultivation of soybean plants is ideal for planting at an altitude of 0-900 meters above sea level.
Soybean Planting with Hydroponic Technique
Hydroponic planting techniques have long been developed for agriculture, especially in urban areas that have limited agricultural land. Various types of plants can also be developed with this hydroponic technique, from vegetables to legumes such as soybeans. For quality, this hydroponic planting technique is not inferior to the cultivation technique in open land, even this hydroponic technique is considered more effective and can display a different art of planting.
There are several techniques for planting plants with a hydroponic system that can be done, which include using a pool of water with a buffer, by utilizing a perforated pipe media to planting using polybags to bottles or used containers. What is important to note for this planting technique is to meet the needs of light, oxygen to good water circulation. And here's how to grow hydroponic soybeans you can do at home:
• Seed preparation
For this method of planting hydroponic soybeans, the hatchery process can be carried out with the following steps:
• Seed selection
Seed selection must be selected from a quality, healthy and free pest pest. The selection of these seeds will greatly affect the quality of soybean plants. To get superior soybean seeds, you can now buy them at farm shops.
• Seeding seeds
For hydroponic planting techniques, seeding has become one of the ways that must be done. The seeding process can be done by using a fairly large seedling container with rockwool seedling media which is very practical, sterile and has a high water absorption capacity. After the soybean seeds are old enough or have more or less 4 leaves, you can start transferring them to the growing media that has been provided.
• Preparation of planting media
For this hydroponic planting place you can use used containers or used bottles, pipes to wooden boards that are designed for hydroponic planting. For planting media, you can use a mixture of roasted husk and gravel sand. If you have difficulty, you can also use gravel sand with rockwool which is more practical and place it in the container you choose as a soybean planting container.
• Planting
After the soybean seeds are old enough you can transfer the seeds to the planting media that you have provided. For planting you move the seeds carefully so as not to damage the roots that have been formed. After planting is complete, water the plants to provide moisture to the plants.
• Care
For maintenance of hydroponic planting techniques is very different from conventional system planting techniques. This hydroponic technique is much easier and simpler compared to conventional soybean planting which must carry out routine maintenance such as pruning, weeding, weeding and so on. Since the risk of pests and diseases on hydroponic plants is lower, for your treatment, it is sufficient to only maintain the need for fertilizer and watering the plants. Fertilization of soybean plants is the same as fertilizing soybean plants that are conventionally planted at the beginning of planting, after 25 days of planting and when soybean plants are 40-45 days after planting.
The types of fertilizer that you can use to maintain the fertility of soybean plants are urea fertilizer and manure. As for watering, you can do it every day to keep the plant kebebaban, but keep in mind this watering should not be excessive, because soybeans can not grow in media that is too muddy. And finally place your hydroponic soybean plants in a place that can be exposed to sunlight to maintain its growth.
• Harvesting
Harvesting process you can start when t
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