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Soybean is the third food after rice. Apart from having a high protein content, soybeans can also be used as processed ingredients for various kinds of food. The world's main soybean producer is the United States, although this soybean has been cultivated in various countries. In general, plants classified as legumes are planted in rice fields or dry land after rice harvesting. But even so, soybeans can also be planted in polybag or pot media to overcome the limitations of the land.
Opportunities for Soybean Cultivation
Cultivation of soybeans is one business that has good prospects. Although soybean plants have been widely cultivated, the need for soybeans is still not fully fulfilled, which makes the community always dependent on the import needs of soybeans. In addition, soybean production in Indonesia is also not stable due to the lack of distribution of superior varieties and improper planting techniques. And on this occasion we will provide a discussion about how to plant soybeans in polybags that you can apply to those of you who do not have large land. Because only a few people know the variety of planting media that can be used to cultivate soybeans such as in rice fields, fields or polybags which are also referred to as modern horticulture plantation systems. And on this occasion we will discuss it for you.
How to Cultivate Soybeans in Pot or Polybag
How to cultivate soybeans with polybags or pots is very easy, almost the same as how to grow soybeans in general. because these soybean plants can live on even dry land, with optimal temperatures of 23-45 ° C. In addition to being able to grow well, these other crops must also have a good drainage system because soybeans do not like standing water, so it is very suitable for planting in polybags. And the steps you have to do when cultivating soybeans in pots or polybags are as follows:
1. Hatchery
The selection of seeds must be chosen from the ideal, healthy and free of pests. Selection of these seeds will greatly affect the quality of soybean plants. The selection of quality seeds also has a faster and uniform growth power.
2. Preparation of planting media
For planting media you can use pots, polybags, or unused used containers with a minimum size of 30 cm. Next hole the bottom of the pot so that water can flow. For planting media mix soil, manure, compost, rice husk and charcoal with a composition of 1: 1: 1. Sift all ingredients to get a smooth growing media, stir until all ingredients are well mixed, and make sure that the ingredients you use have good quality. Besides the mixture, you can also add Urea fertilizer about 3 spoons for each pot. After all is ready, place the pot or poly bag in a place that is not flooded. Enter soil media that has been sifted as much as 10 kg for each polybag. After the polybag is ready, flush enough planting media and let it sit.
3. Planting
After the plant seeds and planting media are ready, then you can move the seeds into pots or polybags that you have prepared. Lubricate the planting media, but the planting hole should not be too deep because it can inhibit the growth of sprouts. Plant approximately 4 soybean seeds for each polybag.
4. care
To get the best plant results, certainly good and regular care is needed. The treatment of soybean plants in polybags is not as complicated as planting polybags in open land which includes:
• Sprinkling
You can do Panyiraman soybeans every 10 days for normal temperatures, and at high temperatures you can increase watering to maintain freshness, but do not allow water to inundate your soybean plants, because it will be at risk for plant decay.
• Fertilization
For soybean plants, the type of fertilizer used is Urea, TSP and KCI fertilizers with a composition of 1: 2: 1 or according to plant needs. This fertilizer need must also be adjusted to the soil typology. Fertilization of soybean plants can be done for three times, which include basic fertilizer, after 25 days of planting and when the soybean plants are 40-45 days after planting. Besides giving fertilizer, to reduce acidity, you can also give lime to the growing media.
• Control of pests and diseases
There are various types of diseases and pests that attack soybean plants which include leaf pests, pod pests, rat pests, and various types of diseases caused by viruses and bacteria. For prevention efforts can be done by providing pesticides or insecticides. But for those of you who use planting media in polybags, you will benefit a little because the risk of pest and disease attacks will be smaller. However, mseki is thus very effective in controlling pests and diseases

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