Understanding Individuals and Individual Differences - On this occasion admin articleind.com will share information about Understanding Individuals and Individual Differences. Humans are creatures that can be viewed from different angles. Human beings are thinking (homo sapiens) and creatures that do (homo faber). The manifestation of the nature of human nature is depicted that man is an individual and social, physical and spiritual as well as the world and the afterlife that has a balance of good relationships in human relationships, nature, and to Allah SWT. Therefore humans are domiciled as a whole person. Every human being has different characteristics or characters. The difference is influenced by heredity and environmental factors respectively. Individual Characteristics, each individual has heredity and characteristics and characteristics derived from the inherent characteristic environmental influences derived from keturunana from the moment we are born.
Understanding Individuals Humans are creatures that can be viewed from different angles. Since hundreds of years before Jesus, man has become one of the objects of philosophy, both formal objects that question the nature of human as well as material objects that question human beings as human beings and with various conditions. Now the nation of Indonesia has embraced a view that the whole human being is human as the person who endeavors to abandon the appearance of different characteristics or intrinsic character or human nature which are balanced from various aspects, ie between (i) individual and social aspects, (ii) physical And spiritual, and (iii) the world and the hereafter. The balance of the relationship illustrates the harmony of the relationship between man and himself, man with his fellow man, man with his natural surroundings or environment, and man with God.
Individuals are the smallest unit of society. In the social sciences, the sense of the individual means also the smallest part of the society that can not be separated into smaller parts. For example, a family consists of father, mother, and child. Father is an individual in the social group, which can not be subdivided into smaller units anymore.
The individual comes from the Greek word "individuium" which means "undivided". In the social sciences of individual understanding, concerning the nature with life and the soul of a compound, plays a role in the association of human life. Individuals are a finite unity as individual human beings rather than as whole human beings. Then it can be concluded that the sense of the individual is a human who has a specific role or specific in his personality
Understanding Individuals According to Experts
1. According to Viniagustia
Understanding Individual is a term that can be used to declare a smallest and limited unity.
2. According to MarthenLuter
The individual comes from the word individual (Latin), a small unit that can not be divided again. Understanding Individuals according to the Sociological concept means human living alone. Individuals as a creature of God in itself is always equipped by the completeness of life that includes body, taste, ratio, and harmonious.
Raga, is a typical human body that can distinguish between individuals with each other, even with the same essence.
Pain, is a human feeling that can capture the object of movement from objects of the contents of the universe or a feeling that concerns with beauty
Ratio or reason, is the completeness of man to develop himself, overcome everything that is necessary in every human being and is a tool to digest what is received by the five senses.
Rukun or association of life, is a form of socialization with humans and coexist with each other in harmony, peace and complementarity. Pillars are what can help humans to form a social group that is often called society.
Understanding Individuals Humans are creatures that can be viewed from different angles. Since hundreds of years before Jesus, man has become one of the objects of philosophy, both formal objects that question the nature of human as well as material objects that question human beings as human beings and with various conditions. Now the nation of Indonesia has embraced a view that the whole human being is human as the person who endeavors to abandon the appearance of different characteristics or intrinsic character or human nature which are balanced from various aspects, ie between (i) individual and social aspects, (ii) physical And spiritual, and (iii) the world and the hereafter. The balance of the relationship illustrates the harmony of the relationship between man and himself, man with his fellow man, man with his natural surroundings or environment, and man with God.
Individuals are the smallest unit of society. In the social sciences, the sense of the individual means also the smallest part of the society that can not be separated into smaller parts. For example, a family consists of father, mother, and child. Father is an individual in the social group, which can not be subdivided into smaller units anymore.
The individual comes from the Greek word "individuium" which means "undivided". In the social sciences of individual understanding, concerning the nature with life and the soul of a compound, plays a role in the association of human life. Individuals are a finite unity as individual human beings rather than as whole human beings. Then it can be concluded that the sense of the individual is a human who has a specific role or specific in his personality
Understanding Individuals According to Experts
1. According to Viniagustia
Understanding Individual is a term that can be used to declare a smallest and limited unity.
2. According to MarthenLuter
The individual comes from the word individual (Latin), a small unit that can not be divided again. Understanding Individuals according to the Sociological concept means human living alone. Individuals as a creature of God in itself is always equipped by the completeness of life that includes body, taste, ratio, and harmonious.
Raga, is a typical human body that can distinguish between individuals with each other, even with the same essence.
Pain, is a human feeling that can capture the object of movement from objects of the contents of the universe or a feeling that concerns with beauty
Ratio or reason, is the completeness of man to develop himself, overcome everything that is necessary in every human being and is a tool to digest what is received by the five senses.
Rukun or association of life, is a form of socialization with humans and coexist with each other in harmony, peace and complementarity. Pillars are what can help humans to form a social group that is often called society.
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Individual Differences
According to Lindgren (1980) the meaning of "differences" and "individual differences" concerns the variations that occur, both variations on physical and psychological aspects. Individual differences according to Chaplin (1995: 244) are "any quantitative trait or distinction in a trait, which can distinguish one individual from another." While Gerry (1963) in the book Development of Learners by Sunarto and B. Agung Hartono mengategorikan individual differences as follows:
a. Physical differences, levels and weight, gender, hearing, sight, and ability to act.
b. Social differences include economic, religious, family, and tribal status.
c. Personality differences include character, motives, interests, and attitudes.
d. Differences in intelligence and basic ability.
e. Differences in skills or intelligence in school.
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