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The wedding ring is a symbol of the union of two loving people in the bond of a marriage. This very deep meaning is the background of every person who is willing to spend quite a lot of money to buy a dream ring. In addition, this wedding ring is also worn by husband and wife during the wedding. But because of the activity or over time, the ring that is initially shiny and beautiful starts to look dull, this is certainly very you avoid right? To get a durable and attractive ring, of course, requires proper care.
Causes of Dull Fast Marriage Rings
There are several factors that cause the ring to quickly dull. Namely natural factors and human factors. Over time, the appearance of a metal that is initially very shiny will slightly fade a little, this is very natural but can be prevented and drawn with appropriate treatment measures. In addition to natural factors, human factors are also a factor that causes a decrease in ring beauty. The use of rings for heavy activities makes the ring often experience friction which makes it scratched. Not only that, the lack of protection against rings from chemicals can also be the cause of the fading of the luster on the ring. So how to prevent it?
Tips for Caring for the Right Wedding Ring
The first thing you have to do to treat a wedding ring so that it doesn't get damaged quickly is to take it off while on heavy activities such as exercise, cleaning the house, and when doing other heavy work. In addition, you also have to remove the ring when you want to come into contact with chemicals such as cleaning products, cosmetics and products containing other chemicals. But most people are reluctant to let go of the ring and use it whenever and wherever he is. Although it is trivial, this is the main factor that makes the ring quickly dull even quickly damaged by your negligence.
Beauty products such as lotions, cosmetics or perfumes contain chemicals that can affect the color of the metal and damage the metallic luster, so it would be better if you avoid the rings of these products. Even if you use lotion for the skin you should minimize it for your ring area. And when you take it off, make sure you keep the ring in the safe place of the wedding ring. This is intended to protect the ring from scratches or friction with other objects, especially if your wedding ring is studded with diamonds.
And Tips for caring for the last wedding ring is setting gems regularly, especially if your ring contains diamonds or precious stones. While for those of you who do not have time to do maintenance to the store, you should do your own treatment at home by cleaning it regularly to maintain the metallic luster. Hopefully it can be useful ...
Description: The wedding ring needs to be properly and routinely cared for to keep the luster awake and still be beautiful even though it has been used for a long time.

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